Sunday, July 19, 2009

Independence Day

The 4th of July is always a fun and eventful day for our family. We started the day off by going to the local parade. The kids had a blast catching the candy, seeing all their cousins, and celebrating our independence. This year's parade was special because uncle Jeremy was driving one of the city's fire trucks. After the parade we all got to go back to the fire station to see where uncle Jeremy works. The kids enjoyed trying on the fire fighters suite and seeing inside the fire trucks. Jeremy even let Deonjahy turn on the sirens, the kids all loved that. Later on that afternoon we went to the park and met up with more family and friends. Once it got dark out we went to go watch the fireworks. Parking the car and finding a spot is always a challenge every year. Dan and I were able to find the perfect parking area where were able to pull in and out with no problems. We watched the fireworks from Layton Highs football field. It was a long but exciting day, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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